We talk a lot about boosting our immune system during the winter months.
In today’s current climate, people are starting to pay particular attention to their health- which is great! Instead of a focus only on boosting the immune system, how about looking at how to stop lowering our immune system’s function? Many things we regularly do serve to dampen our immune system’s ability to function at its best. These 9 ideas on removing interference to your immune system and increasing its ability to function optimally were shared with us by our colleague Dr. Don Clum. They are just too good not to share! You can find more resources from Dr. Clum on his website. And we have of course, added our own tidbits! 1. Cut out the sugar. Sugar can lower your immune response by 60% for up to 4 hours. Sugar is in almost all processed foods and drinks. We know it’s delicious, but is it worth it? 2. Stop being sedentary. Exercise has been shown to raise immune response and even help people recover from the flu. Dr. Brendan’s favorite saying: “Move the body” really applies here! 3. Stop tossing and turning. Sleep! Poor sleep has been on the rise in this current crisis and will impact your immune response. 4. Don't isolate...Socialize! Loneliness/isolation has been shown to decrease your immune response. A recent study from the University of Surrey found that social isolation can cause increased inflammation in the body. Trust us, you really don’t want more inflammation! Socializing can mean a phone call or an email, find a way to connect with your friends and family even if it’s not in person right now. Connection is more important now than ever before. 5. Cut the negativity. Laugh! It lowers stress hormones that impact the immune response. Do whatever you can to cultivate a positive mental attitude. And please, turn off the news! 6. Limit your sitting time which produces shallow breathing. Breathe! Breathe work, mediation and mindful-breathing have a positive impact on the immune system. Apps like HeadSpace help with this. 7. Get to your chiropractor. Adjustments have an influence on the parasympathetic nervous system which in turn has an impact on the immune system. We just received a bulk order of Coherence Through Chiropractic, the Immunity edition. Pick up your copy next time you are at the office to learn more or check it out HERE. 8. Stop eating so often. Eating multiple meals and snacks all day long increases our insulin exposure which can lower the immune response. Pick an eating window and meal plan to help you with this. 9. Put the device down. Too much screen time has been linked to depression, obesity, and addiction. Play a board game or cards with your family or plant a garden, get crafty or move your body. There is no medication, vaccine or mask that can supersede a healthy lifestyle. We're in this together and we CAN do better!
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April 2020