![]() We have a plant in our office that is currently thriving, but it wasn't always this way. In fact, on two separate occasions this plant has gotten sick, lost all its leaves, and almost died. This plant is one of those pre-potted money trees that you can buy in many stores. The first time it almost died I wasn't sure what to do. At first the leaves turned brown, then one after another they all fell off. At this point it’s important to note that I am not someone who you would say has a “green thumb,” but I like plants and am learning. So I asked someone who knows much more about plants what to do. She took a look at the plant, then at the pot, and noticed that the pot didn't have any way for water to drain. She recommended that I drill some holes in the bottom of the pot and see what would happen. I drilled the holes and lo and behold the plant began to come back! It sprouted new leaves vibrant and green. This new abundance of life continued for several months until once again, the leaves turned brown and began to fall. What to do? It just so happens that this pre-potted plant had a layer of decor-stones glued to the top of the soil. So this time I smashed the pot, scraped off the decor rocks, and then replanted the money tree in a larger pot with good drainage and plenty of nutrient rich soil. In time, new leaves grew back and today, this money tree is once again thriving and expressing vibrant health. So what can we learn from this? 1) Having healthy plants isn't rocked science. It simply requires a consistent balance of environmental elements such as water, sunlight, air, temperature, and soil composition. Just like BEING healthy isn't rocket science, it simply requires a consistent balance of quality food, healthy movement, good relationships, a purpose to live, a positive mental attitude, and of course a clear connection between brain and body. 2) When the plant was appearing sick and dying not once did I assume, “This plant must be sick because of some genetic deficiency!” Instead, the plant was sick because it was in an environment that wasn't conducive to its health. 3) The healing took TIME. It didn't happen overnight. 4) How often when WE ARE sick and having less than an amazing experience of life do we look to blame something outside of our control, like our genes, or our boss, or the latest bug out to get us? Instead, we need to take some careful time to examine whether we have a toxic internal or external environment and make the appropriate adjustments...AND this environment is much more in our control than many of us may think. So please join us in celebrating having a green thumb in our lives!
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April 2020